Tubac Hawk Watch with Tucson Audubon!
Come out and scope the hawks and new optics in Tubac at the Hawk Watch 2024 Optic Event with Tucson Audubon!
Tucson Audubon’s optic partners are gathering with us at the Tubac Hawk Watch this year! We’ll have reps from Vortex, Leica, Swarovski, and Zeiss showing off the latest birding optics. You’re welcome to try them all out and purchase from our Nature Shop on site!
o Join the Tucson Audubon Education Team and Shop for Kids Activities and Fun Times!
o Special Guests: Scott Weidensaul, author of NY Times best-seller “A World on the Wing,” and Peter Collins, Raptor Expert
o Purchase the latest birding optics from Kowa, Leica, Swarovski, Vortex & Zeiss at special Hawk Watch prices!
o Guided birding walks and events led by Tucson Audubon staff and volunteers.
There will also be daily morning and afternoon bird walks along the nearby De Anza trail and Santa Cruz River, led by staff and volunteers of Tucson Audubon and Tubac Nature Center. Our optics partners will also be leading trips so you can try out their gear on the trail before you buy!
To register for these free De Anza Trail trips, see the schedule below and click on the title of the trip you’d like to register for. Each trip will take an identical route, so there is no need to sign up for more than one.
If you do not wish to attend a De Anza Trail field trip, but rather just wish to join in the communal watching of the hawks themselves as they fly over the park, there is no need to register, just show up at any time between 8 AM and 12 PM at the location below!
Sunday March 17
- 7:00-8:30 AM, **Join Waitlist** Bird the De Anza Trail with Tucson Audubon and Swarovski Optik Leaders: Olya Weekley with Clay Taylor & Bruce Webb of Swarovski Optik
- 11:00 AM-12:30 PM, **Join Waitlist** Birding the De Anza Trail with Tucson Audubon Leaders: Donito Burgess and TBD
Monday, March 18
- 7:00-8:30 AM,: **Join Waitlist** Birding the De Anza Trail with Tucson Audubon and Vortex Optics Leaders: Luke Safford and Donald Ditzenberger of Vortex Optics
- 11:00 AM-12:30 PM,: **Join Waitlist** Birding the De Anza Trail with Tucson Audubon Leaders: Donito Burgess and TBD
Tuesday, March 19
- 7:00-8:30 AM,: **Join Waitlist** Birding the De Anza Trail with Tucson Audubon and Zeiss Optics Leaders: Donito Burgess and Adrian Lesak of Carl Zeiss Sports Optics
- 11:00 AM-12:30 PM,: **Join Waitlist** Birding the De Anza Trail with Tucson Audubon Leaders: Luke Safford and TBD
Wednesday, March 20
- 7:00-8:30 AM,: **Join Waitlist** Birding the De Anza Trail with Tucson Audubon and Kowa Optics Leaders: Luke Safford and Jeff Bouton of Kowa Optics
- 11:00 AM-12:30 PM,: **Join Waitlist** Birding the De Anza Trail with Tucson Audubon Leaders: Rob Rutledge and TBD
And join Tubac Nature Center and Tucson Audubon for the Hawk Watch Family Day on Saturday, March 16. More information on the Family Day can be found here.
What’s it like at the Hawk watch? Read our blog to find out!
Location: Ron Morriss County Park, 31 Calle Iglesia, Tubac, AZ 85646 (MAP)
Header Image: Ferruginous Hawk by Ned Harris