Birds and Coffee (a Birding & Social Event!) with Alexis Stark, Donito Burgess, and Luke Safford
Birds & Coffee
Join your Tucson Audubon friends for a morning of birding at a local park followed by getting together for coffee and hanging out at one of our favorite local coffee places, Savaya Coffee. Choose an outing at Rio Vista Natural Resources Park, the Rillito River at Columbus, or Fort Lowell Park to look for birds, all starting at 7am. We’ll bird for about 90 minutes before all 3 groups head over to Savaya Coffee to catch up on the latest bird news, drink our favorite coffee, and just relax together. Limited to 8 participants at each birding location. Plan for about one mile walking on easy walking surfaces. Meet-up directions will be sent a few days before the outing.
Trip Leaders: Alexis Stark (astark@tucsonaudubon.org), Donito Burgess (dburgess@tucsonaudubon.org), and Luke Safford (lsafford@tucsonaudubon.org)
Header image: Broad-billed Hummingbird by Scott Olmstead