Evening/Full Moon at California Gulch with Tim Helentjaris ⋆ Tucson Audubon Skip to content
Categories: Field Trip

Evening/Full Moon at California Gulch with Tim Helentjaris

May 21st, Tuesday, 2:00 PM

Evening/Full Moon at California Gulch with Tim Helentjaris

$35 members/$50 non-members

A legendary birding spot just miles from the border with Five-striped Sparrows, Least Grebe, and Buff-collared Nightjar.  We’ll be driving down with the goal of some late day birding and then have a picnic dinner while we wait for it to get dark and the moon to come up.  After dark, we’ll see what night birds we can cajole but particularly the nightjar.  We’ll be walking on old roads.  No restrooms on site.  Return by 10:30 PM.

Wear good walking shoes, hat, binoculars, water and your own picnic eats along with a light jacket for after dark along and a headlamp if you have one. Limited to 11 participants – car-pooling required. Instructions for meet-up will be emailed to registered participants before the trip.

Leader: Tim Helentjaris (tnhelentjaris@msn.com)

Header Image: Five-striped Sparrow by Lois Manowitz

Join Waitlist ($$)




2:00 pm - 10:30 pm

Trip Features

All Levels,
Outside Tucson,
Paid Trip


California Gulch


Tim Helentjaris

Volunteer Field Trip Leader