The Less-Travelled Christopher Columbus Park with Gerry Hodge
We will walk a route that navigates habitats not normally visited at Columbus Park along with touching the traditional spots. This is not an easy ¾ mile walk around Silverbell Lake, but a 1.75-mile trek over some uneven terrain. There are bathrooms, benches, shade, and water but we will only occasionally be near them. Meet at the flagpoles near the solar covered shaded parking structures. Expected time is 2.5 hours.
GPS coordinates: 32.285735, -111.034313
Leader: Gerry Hodge
Registration for this field trip is free.
**Registration for Tucson Bird Alliance members opens Saturday, January 4th at 7am. Public registration opens Saturday, January 11th at 7am.**
Header image: Greater Roadrunner by Dan Weisz