Crooked Tree Golf Course Ramble at Arthur Pack Park with Ray Deeney
We’ve birded a short segment of the golf course here for many years. But this walk will be different. The course will be closed to golfers for annual fall reseeding on these dates. Woo-hoo! We will bird a much longer stretch of the course than usual using the cart paths while visiting all three ponds plus more scrubby rough areas. Based on my experience, I’m sure we’ll see more species and a broader variety than on the usual walk. We will respect their restrictions regarding no fairways and greens traffic while birding about one mile on easy paths with a nearby restroom.
We will meet at the Maeveen Behan trailhead parking lot adjacent to the hole 9 pond off of Overton Rd. and Thornydale Rd. at 8AM. Follow the sign to the golf course but turn left when you see the Maeveen Behan sign and proceed to the end. 10 participants maximum.
Leader: Ray Deeney
Registration for this walk is free.
Header Image: Costa’s Hummingbird by Mick Thompson