Evening in Madera Canyon with Luke Safford
Registration fee: $50/member, $75/non-member*
Trip difficulty: Moderate/hard. Some easy to moderate hiking below the Santa Rita Lodge. Steep & rocky, but fairly short, hike up Carrie Nation Trail where there is a small bench where a couple people can sit.
This is a great time of year to hear the nocturnal birds of Madera Canyon and possibly see a few too! It can be daunting to be out in the canyon at dark by yourself so this small group could be what you’re looking for to add birds like Common Poorwill, Mexican Whip-poor-will, Elf Owl, Whiskered Screech Owl, and possibly others to your list. We’ll start in the canyon for some daytime birds, first meeting at the Proctor Road parking area where we’ll walk portions of the trail before we head up to higher picnic areas and the Santa Rita Lodge where we’ll watch the birds at the feeders and maybe catch glimpses of an Elf Owl or Nothern Pygmy Owl. Just before dusk we’ll then head up to the top and take a short, but strenuous walk up to the first bench (less than 1/4 mile) where we’ll wait for the stars to come out. It’s a magical way to hear the owls and nightjars. We’ll supply a light dinner (Beyond Bread sandwich/chips), but please bring water and any snacks you might like. We’ll plan to carpool. Limited to 6 participants.
Leader: Luke Safford, (lsafford@tucsonaudubon.org)
Register here beginning Mar 11, 7:00 AM.
*Why does this event cost money? Your generous support helps us to continue to offer an exceptional array of field trips and programming for the community
Header image: Elf Owl by Doris Evans