It’s All In the Family: Flycatcher ID Workshop with Homer Hansen
Registration fee: $125/member, $175/non-member
Event Description
It’s All In the Family: Flycatcher ID Workshop
Registration fee: $125/member, $175/non-member
Ready to leap into the identification of Empidonax and Myiarchus flycatchers? Join local bird expert, Homer Hansen for this 2-part ID workshop. This workshop introduces you to the diverse family Tyrannidae and highlights the ways to separate the kingbirds, pewees, empids and other flycatchers of southeastern Arizona. The workshop will focus on generic and species-specific structural and plumage characteristics with a brief introduction to vocalizations for a few of the species.
This workshop series consists of two parts- an in-classroom workshop and an in-field workshop. Participants are expected to attend both portions for a holistic experience.
Part I: In-Clasroom ID Workshop, Thursday, August 24, 5:30-8:30 PM, at the Tucson Audubon Nature Shop (300 E University Blvd)
Part II: In-Field ID Workshop & Birding Trip, Saturday, August 26, all day (location & schedule TBD)
This workshop is part of the It’s All in the Family: Advanced Bird ID Series: When Roger Tory Peterson starting drawing his field guide to birds, he knew that recognizing the size and shape of the bird was an important step in bird identification, so he put “profile” images of bird family representatives on the insides of the front and back covers. This Advanced Bird ID Series follows this same approach and will introduce you to techniques that will enhance your bird identification skills.
Header Image: Dusky-capped Flycatcher by Jim Burns