Fort Lowell Park with Holly Kleindienst
Trip difficulty: Easy. 1-mile loop on mostly level ground, paved & grassy surfaces with uneven areas. Restroom facilities & water available.
Fort Lowell Park, in central Tucson features historic buildings and a bit of local history, and also offers a mix of urban and natural habitat, making it home to a wide variety of bird species. We’ll bird the lawns and trees at the historic site for urban birds as well as the chance for sighting members of a small resident group of Eastern Bluebirds. The small pond attracts wintering ducks, especially American Wigeons. We’ll then bird the more natural area along Pantano Wash for desert scrub birds. The pecan grove attracts woodpeckers, and is also one of the best places to find a White-winged Dove in the winter months. In all we’ll see 20-30 species. Meet in the main parking lot. Bring your binoculars. Wrap up around 10:00 am. Limit 12 participants.
Leader: Holly Kleindienst (hollykleindienst@gmail.com)
Registration for this trip is free. Register here beginning Jan 13, 7:00 AM.
Header Image: American Wigeon by Stephen Nelson