The Grill at Arizona National Golf Course
Trip difficulty: Easy, walking >1 mile on paved sidewalks, bathrooms & water available.
We will bird the public areas around the clubhouse, various washes immediately next to the clubhouse, and surrounding areas. We will stay on sidewalks, not entering the washes. Arizona National golf course attracts many local and overwintering birds. We typically see about 25 or so species in about 2 hours of morning birding. We will be back at the clubhouse by 10:30 am, and those who would like may join us to eat at the grill! Limited to 10 participants.
When arriving at the Sabino Springs Gatehouse, let them know that you are going to the grill. We will meet on the back patio of the Grill at Arizona National Golf Course at 8:30 am and check out the aquatic birds first. Birders are invited to stay after the walk for a meal at the Grill:
Leader: Linda Hanson ( and Laurel Salvador (
Registration for this trip is free. Register here beginning Feb 11, 7:00 AM
Header Image: Pied-billed Grebe by Doris Evans