Honey Bee Canyon Petroglyph Walk
Registration for this trip is free. Register here beginning Nov 12, 7:00 AM
Trip difficulty: Easy to Moderate. Elevation gain is less than 100 feet. 2.5 miles on moderately loose
wash sand. Restrooms and water available at trailhead. Limited shade and ‘sit down’ opportunities. Trip
duration under 2.5 hours.
We will walk just beyond the site of the Hohokum Petroglyphs (at 1 mile) and look for some local
specialties. Anticipated species count: 20 to 30. Limited to 12 participants.
Driving directions: Park is 3 miles north of Tangerine Rd. on Rancho Vistoso. 13880 N. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley (address does not work in your GPS, you will receive a map after you sign up). 20 parking spaces available.
Leader: Gerry Hodge (gnthodge@msn.com)
Header Image: Cactus Wren by Mick Thompson