Honey Bee Canyon Petroglyph Walk with Gerry Hodge
Trip difficulty: Easy to Moderate. Elevation gain is less than 100 feet. 2.5 miles on moderately loose wash sand. Restrooms and water available at trailhead. Trip duration under 3 hours.
We’ll walk just beyond the site of the Hohokum Petroglyphs (at 1 mile) and look for some local specialties. Anticipated species count: 20 to 30. Limited to 12 participants.
Driving directions: Park is 3 miles north of Tangerine Rd. on Rancho Vistoso. 13880 N. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley (address does not work in your GPS, you’ll receive a map after you sign up). 20 parking spaces available.
Leader: Gerry Hodge (gnthodge@msn.com)
Registration for this trip is free. Register here beginning Mar 11, 7:00 AM.
Header Image: Cactus Wren by Mick Thompson