Introduction to Sonoran Desert Birds: Sabino Canyon
January 8- Sunday, 8:00 am – Sabino Canyon
Trip Difficulty: Easy/Moderate. Walk about 2 miles primarily on dirt paths that are uneven in places.
This trip is intended for people new to birding or for birders from other regions who want to learn some of the common birds in the Sonoran Desert. We’ll practice identifying birds by shape, sound, color, and behavior and will discuss the connections between the birds and their habitats. We’ll focus more on enjoying the birds that show up rather than on a long list of birds. Participants will be introduced to some great resources for getting started with desert birding.
Meet in front of the Visitor’s Center at 5700 N Sabino Canyon Rd. Binoculars will be provided for those who need them. Requires National Recreation area parking fee of $8 per car or Interagency Recreational Pass. Highly recommend a sunhat, water, snack, and sensible walking shoes. Limited to 10 participants.
Leader: Karen Howe (karenhowepdx@gmail.com)
Registration for this trip is free. Register here beginning on Nov 12, 7 AM.
Header Image: Greater Roadrunner by Dan Weisz