Oracle State Park with Mary Ellen Flynn
Trip difficulty: Moderate, 1-1.5 miles on dirt trail that can be rocky in places with small inclines. Restroom and drinking water available.
Bird beautiful Oracle State Park, situated at 4500 ft. elevation which means cooler temperatures and the chance to see some higher elevation species like Woodhouse’s Scrub Jay, Crissal Thrasher, and Canyon Towhee. Walk 1-2 miles on fairly level terrain and meet at the Kannally Ranch House/Visitor Ctr. at end of access road. Restrooms available. $7 entrance fee per vehicle or free with Arizona State Park Pass. Limited to 8 participants.
Leader: Mary Ellen Flynn (me.flynn@comcast.net)
Registration for this trip is free. Register here beginning on Sep 9, 7 AM.
Header Image: Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay by Shawn Cooper