Rose Canyon and Lake with Cynthia VerDuin
Rose Canyon and Lake – Mt. Lemmon
Thursday August 1st
Meet at the McDonald’s parking lot (Safeway Shopping Center, corner of Tanque Verde and Catalina Hwy) 5:30 am to carpool.
There is a $10 fee (in addition to the Federal parks pass) to park at Rose Canyon Campground per car. I will drive and take 4 others in my car and pay. Also, please bring any Federal park pass you have for use in your car if we stop at other lookouts/campgrounds along the way up.
Top difficulty, moderate – paved trails with some slope up and down to the lake, about a mile or less, roundtrip.
It’s a great time of year to get out of the heat and take a nice walk to the lake to look for our Mountain birds, woodpeckers, jays and nuthatches, along with titmice, hawks and warblers. We may stop along the way up or down to see what we can find at Gordon Hirabayashi campground, and if time permits, head to the top to visit the feeders for Broad Tailed, Rivoli’s and Blue Throated Mountain Gem hummingbirds. Depending on group interest, we could have lunch on Mt. Lemmon, or just return to the meeting point. A fun, cool, day. Limited to 10 participants.
Leader: Cynthia VerDuin (cynthiaverduin@gmail.com)
Registration for this trip is free.
Header Image: Red-Faced Warbler by Shawn Cooper