Springtime Birding at Sabino Canyon with Karen Howe
Thursday, March 21 7:00 – 10:00am
Springtime birding at Sabino Canyon (Visitor Center)
Trip Rating: Easy/Moderate. Walking Distance: 3 miles. Elevation Gain: 25 feet. Ground Conditions: Rocky Trails.
A leisurely exploration of the thorn scrub and desert riparian habitats at Sabino Canyon to enjoy springtime in the desert where birds will be singing and building nests. We’ll connect native and migratory birds with the plants they favor and will practice identifying birds by shape, size and color, plus learn the vocalizations of some common Sonoran desert birds.
Meet in front of the Visitor’s Center at 5700 N Sabino Canyon Rd. Sabino Canyon requires a National Recreation area parking fee of $8 per car (can be purchased on site) or an Interagency Recreation Pass.
Leader: Karen Howe (karenhowepdx@gmail.com)
Registration for this trip is free.
Header Image: Greater Roadrunner by Dan Weisz