Salt River (Phoenix Metro Area) with Kathe Anderson
Trip difficulty: Easy. Some uneven surfaces, but fairly easy walking, up to 2 miles total. Restrooms available, but no water.
Before the winter influx of waterfowl begin to leave, let’s explore the Salt River, and look for ducks, cormorants, grebes, and probably Common Gallinules. (One day last year, we got 14 species of ducks!) In addition, we can hope for Bald Eagles, a few shorebirds and reliable desert species. We will start at the Salt River, working our way upstream at several recreation sites, to finish with lunch in a picnic ramada at Saguaro Lake. Wrap up about 1:30pm. Participants should bring their National Parks Pass if they have one as well as lunch, snacks, and water. Meeting place will be determined a few days before the trip. Limited to 7 participants.
Leader: Kathe Anderson (kathe.coot@cox.net)
Registration for this trip is free. Register here beginning Jan 13, 7:00 AM.
Header Image: Killdeer by Shawn Cooper