San Pedro House with Luke Safford
Friday, January 26: San Pedro House, 8am – 12pm
This is a paid field trip – $35/member, $50/non-member
We’ll enjoy walking along the last free-flowing river in Southeast Arizona and the San Pedro House area offers the perfect place to explore the area with a nice trail system. Along with some feeders around the house, we’ll enjoy riparian, mesquite bosque, and grassland habitats hoping for birds such as Northern Harrier, Crissal Thrasher, Loggerhead Shrike, and tons of sparrows. We’ll meet for carpooling in Tucson and plan to arrive at the house at 8am and bird the area until around 12pm. Trip is limited to 10 participants.
Leader: Luke Safford (lsafford@tucsonaudubon.org)
Header Image: Great-horned Owl by Erik Wahlgren