Santa Cruz Flats: Raptors
January 30-Monday, 7:30 AM- Santa Cruz Flats: Raptors
Registration fee: $35/member, $50/non-member
Trip Rating: Very Easy with only short jaunts from the vehicles. No restrooms or water available. Carpooling required. Complete Covid-19 vaccination is required for carpooling.
We’ll drive around this agricultural area north of Marana and look for a number of winter visitors (the birds!). Target species will include a number of raptors such as Crested Caracara, but also Bendire’s Thrashers, Sagebrush Sparrows, and Mountain Plovers. Return early afternoon. Bring water, snacks and/or lunch; scope would also be useful. Limited to 11 participants; final meeting instructions by email.
Leader: Tim Helentjaris, (
Register here beginning Saturday, December 10, 7:00 AM.
Header Image: Crested Caracara by Michele Weisz