Sweetwater Wetlands with Alex Patia and Luke Safford
Please note that for all Wednesday Sweetwater walks in March, we will be starting at 7:00 AM.
Trip difficulty: Easy; Walking distance: 1.5 miles, Trip Duration: 3 hrs, Elevation gain: none, but with chance of slight inclines/declines; Ground condition: groomed gravel trails. Drinking water and restrooms available at park’s entrance. Benches available at periodic intervals around the Wetlands.
This popular birding hotspot in urban Tucson offers an easy walk through marshes created by Tucson Water to see waterfowl, regular and visiting warblers, and several exciting species hiding in the reeds. Birders of all experience levels welcome! The Wetlands are located at 2511 W Sweetwater Drive. Limited to 12 participants per group.
Leader: Luke Safford (lsafford@tucsonaudubon.org) and Alex Patia (apatia@tucsonaudubon.org)
Registration for this trip is free.
Header image: Vermillion Flycatcher by Greg Lavaty