Tohono Chul Garden Walk with Ray Deeney
Trip Difficulty: Easy, ~1 mile walking on paved paths. Restrooms available.
Join Tucson Audubon for a birding walk at Tohono Chul! This popular destination near the intersection of Ina and Oracle Roads has cultivated gardens, art exhibits and winding trails with many birds typical of the Sonoran Desert and its suburban habitats. Hummingbirds in particular flock to the gardens to enjoy the abundance of flowers. In addition to birding, participants will learn about Sonoran Desert vegetation and the history of Tohono Chul. Meet at 9:30 AM at the Tohono Chul admissions window. Limited to 12 participants. Wrap up by 11 AM. At the walk’s conclusion a live raptor presentation will be available to all participants on site.
Tohono Chul entrance fee will be waived for trip participants. This program is being offered in partnership with Tohono Chul.
Leader: Ray Deeney (raydeeney@comcast.net)
Registration for this walk is free.
Header Image: Broad-billed Hummingbird by Shawn Cooper