Tubac De Anza Trail and Hawk Watch with Donito Burgess ⋆ Tucson Audubon Skip to content
Categories: Field Trip

Tubac De Anza Trail and Hawk Watch with Donito Burgess

Trip difficulty: Easy-Moderate. Walking distance: 1.5 miles, Trip Duration: 90 minutes. Elevation gain: none, but with chance of slight inclines/declines; Ground condition: groomed dirt trails.

Join us for a walk along the Santa Cruz River before taking in the amazing raptor migration at Ron Morriss Park. We’ll meet at the park and head out on the De Anza Trail in hopes of finding a variety of songbirds including Cassin’s Kingbird, White-breasted Nuthatch, Lark Sparrow, and Lucy’s Warbler. The outing will end back at the parking area, where you’ll then have the opportunity to take in the spectacle of migrating Common Black Hawks with the crowd of hawk watchers. Limited to 10 participants on the walk, but no limit on Hawk Watch participation at Ron Morriss Park. See all Tubac Nature Center Hawk Watch festivities on our event page.

Leader: Donito Burgess

Registration for this walk is free. 


Header image: Gray Hawk by Bryan J. Smith

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7:15 am - 9:00 am

Trip Features

All Levels,


Ron Morriss County Park

31 Calle Iglesia, Tubac, AZ 85646


Donito Burgess