West Stronghold Canyon, Dragoon Mountains with Jim Rorabaugh
Registration fee: $35/Members $50/Non-members
Trip difficulty: Moderate, rocky ground, some inclines. Walking distance: About 1.5-2 miles. Trip
duration: ~4 hours; there are no toilets in the canyon, but we will stop at my house on the way
back and you can use the facilities there. 4WD or AWD, high clearance vehicles with all-terrain
tires recommended. The road in is rough and rocky. Bring a water bottle.
This canyon is not birded much, but West Stronghold is one of the most scenic canyons in
southeastern Arizona. If water is flowing, birds should be abundant. If not, there is a spring
near the mouth of the canyon. Expect typical sky island lower montane birds. Black-chinned
Sparrows are possible. We will also stop at my property in Dragoon Mountain Ranch on the way
out. I have seed, suet, and hummingbird feeders. Crissal Thrashers, Pyrrhuloxias, Blackthroated Sparrows, and others are likely.
Limited to 10 participants.
Directions to start location: Take I10 east of Benson to Sibyl Road off ramp. Go south on Sibyl
for ~3.5 miles. Shortly after you cross the railroad tracks, turn left to the Dragoon Mountain
Ranch gate. I will meet you there at 8 am. We can leave some vehicles at my place and carpool
to the canyon.
Leader: Jim Rorabaugh (jrorabaugh@hotmail.com)
Header Image: Spotted Towhee by Shawn Cooper