Wings Over Willcox: January 11th -14th
Come see us at Wings over Willcox!
Tucson Audubon will be at the Wings Over Willcox festival from Jan 11-14th. We will have multiple tables where you can learn about all the cool stuff we’ve got going on, you’ll be able to purchase Tucson Audubon branded merchandise, and make sure to bring the kiddos to stop by our Nature’s Clean-up Crew Table to learn all about the Turkey Vulture and the incredible ecosystem services they provide to all of us!
See you there!
(We’re also looking for a few volunteers to help out. If you are interested, you can find more info and sign up by clicking on the following link.) https://tucsonaudubon.org/volunteer-opp/tabling-at-wings-over-willcox-january-13-14-duplicate-1/