Searching for Over-wintering Trogons with Tim Helentjaris
Searching for Over-wintering Trogons (Location: TBD) with Tim Helentjaris
February 4th, Tuesday, meet-up at 7:00AM
Registration fee: $35/member, $50/non-member*
Trip difficulty: Medium, with hiking up to 3 miles from vehicles;
Trip Duration: Return noonish. Carpooling required.
Many visitors here want to see a trogon but if you’re only here in the winter when most have migrated back south, it can be difficult. But every winter there’s a few that overwinter here. We’ll specifically look for one of these, the location to be set depending on where they are this winter. Bring water, snacks and/or lunch; scope could also be useful.; No restrooms or water available. Limited to 11 participants.
Sunrise: 7:15AM
Directions: final meeting instructions by email.
Leader: Tim Helentjaris (
Header image: Elegant Trogon by Bryan Smith