Virtual Presentation: Adventures in Ecuador with Luke Safford
Adventures in Ecuador with Luke Safford
Join Luke as he shares stories and pictures of his recent Tucson Audubon trip to Ecuador with Sabrewing Nature Tours. Will he find his most sought after species, Andean Cock-of-the-rock? How many hummingbird species will they see on their trip (maybe 60 different kinds!!)? What is it like to be birding over 10,000′ in elevation? These questions will be answered through the stories of the participants and might whet your appetite for an Ecuador excursion of your own. We’ll discuss what it’s like to be on an international birding trip and possible opportunities to join a future trip with Tucson Audubon.
Registration for this event is free.
Header Image: Andean Cock-of-the-Rock by Brian Zwiebel