Spring Arrivals to Puerto Canyon with Tim Helentjaris
April 23rd, Tuesday, 5:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Spring Arrivals to Puerto Canyon with Tim Helentjaris
Registration fee: $35/member, $50/non-member
We’ll bird primarily around the spring located in this canyon just west of I19, looking for spring migrants which collect in this grove in the middle of rocky desert habitat. We’ll be walking on old roads, ~2 miles. No restrooms on site. Return near noon.
Bring water, snacks, sunhat, sunscreen, and good walking shoes. Limited to 11 participants.
This trip requires carpooling from Tucson; Instructions for meet-up will be emailed to registered participants before the trip.
Leader: Tim Helentjaris ( tnhelentjaris@msn.com )
Header Image: Northern Beardless Tyrannulet by Doris Evans