Wrap up your festival experience with us as we celebrate more than just the new birds we’ve seen, but also the movement that birding is becoming—all over the world, and right here in Tucson. You’ll enjoy a delicious meal, receive a drink ticket, visit with friends, and hear from special guest, Kenn Kaufman and his presentation “Discovery, Rediscovery, and the Sense of Wonder.” Graciously sponsored by ZEISS.

Two centuries ago, a handful of European-American naturalists trekked around the eastern United States, competing to find the last few bird species that were still unknown to science. What was that experience like for them? When Kenn Kaufman began delving into that period in ornithological history, as research for his newest book, he found surprising connections to our own time. Despite all the changes in the world, the adventures of those pioneers have many parallels in the experience of birding today. In this program, built upon that research, Kenn will celebrate discovery and rediscovery, the lure of the unknown, the complexity of nature, and the endless power of birds to delight and amaze us.  (Limit of 120)