Evening/Full Moon on Upper Mt. Lemmon with Tim Helentjaris ⋆ Tucson Audubon Skip to content
Categories: Field Trip

Evening/Full Moon on Upper Mt. Lemmon with Tim Helentjaris

Registration: $35/member, $50/non-member. 

June 18, Tuesday, 4pm

Trip Difficulty: Easy walking with less than 2 miles total between mostly short jaunts and minimal elevation gain on old roads or established trails. Restrooms at the picnic grounds at several stops.

We’re going to dodge the summer heat and start up the mountain in late afternoon, planning to get in some birding at a site or two near the top of Mt. Lemmon where it’s considerably cooler, looking for higher elevation species common to this habitat.  As it gets closer to dark, we’ll enjoy our picnic dinner.  Afterwards, we’ll then work our way back down the mountain stopping at different locations to look for night birds specific to each of these habitats.  We’ll be walking on old roads/trails.  Restrooms at several stops.  Return before 10:30 PM.

Wear good walking shoes, hat, binoculars, water and your own picnic eats along with a light jacket for after dark along and a headlamp if you have one. Limited to 11 participants – car-pooling required. Instructions for meet-up will be emailed to registered participants before the trip.

Leader: Tim Helentjaris (tnhelentjaris@msn.com)

Header Image: Whiskered Screech Owl by Jim Burns

Join Waitlist ($$)




4:00 pm - 10:30 pm


$35/member, $50/non-member

Trip Features

All Levels,
Outside Tucson,
Paid Trip


Mt. Lemmon


Tim Helentjaris

Volunteer Field Trip Leader