Categories: Field Trip

Winter Sparrows at Las Cienegas NCA with Tim Helentjaris
Winter Sparrows at Las Cienegas NCA with Tim Helentjaris
Tuesday, January 14th
We’ll focus on finding/detection, identifying, and studying several sparrows partial to these grassland habitats, including Savannah, Baird’s, Vesper, and Grasshopper Sparrows. Spotting scopes will be particularly helpful.
Easy morning trip to Las Cienegas with only short walks through the grasslands, we’ll be quitting before it gets too hot. Pit toilets available at Empire Ranch; bring water, snacks, sun protection, car-pooling required.
Leader: Tim Helentjaris (
Registration for this outing is $35 for members and $50 for non-members.
Header Image: Grasshopper Sparrow by Alan Schmierer