Let’s Explore: Chino Canyon with Tim Helentjaris
October 8th, Tuesday, 6:00 AM
Let’s Explore: Chino Canyon
As the bird activity is fading this time of year, it’s good to get out and explore new areas. While close to Tucson, this area gets little birding attention due only to the rough road into it. Otherwise, it has spectacular scenery as well as regular records for Black-capped Gnatcatcher, Five-striped Sparrows, and nesting Golden Eagles. We’ll be hiking on level ground, mostly on old roads once we get in, probably about three miles or so, max.
Bring water, snacks, sun protection. Toilets not available.
Car-pooling absolutely required and dependent upon at least two more drivers with high clearance 4WD vehicles joining the trip.
Leader: Tim Helentjaris (tnhelentjaris@msn.com)
Photo Credit: Five-striped Sparrow by Lois Manowitz