Acorn Woodpecker by Dan Weisz

Difficulty: Moderate (Steeper slopes or more rocky/rooted trails. Drive time to final location approximately 85 minutes on some gravel/dirt road.)

This is a new trip headed to the east slopes of the Rincon Mountains east of Tucson. The gravel roads pass through mesquite bosque, riparian, oaks, and grasslands. We’ll stop at various trailheads and creek crossings looking for Gila, Ladder-backed, and Acorn Woodpeckers, Ash-throated Flycatchers, White-breasted Nuthatches, Bell’s Vireo, and many more. One of the main target birds will be Juniper Titmouse, not normally recorded during the festival, this is the best spot for them near Tucson. A Nutting’s Flycatcher was recorded in this area last year. The route will depend on creek levels and monsoon rains. Lunch included. Limited to 8 participants.