What’s Happening at the Empire Ranch Banding Station? with Aya Pickett

Did you know that Tucson Audubon operates one of the oldest bird research stations in Arizona? The Empire Ranch Banding Station has been operating for the last 20 years and during that time, we have been collecting specific data on individual birds. During this presentation, you will learn about the basics of bird banding, types of birds at this station, and our plans for incorporating more research and education into our programming. (Limit of 100)

The Veracruz River of Raptors: Supporting Raptor Conservation by Bird Watching with Kashmir Wolf

Since 1991 formal monitoring protocols bring to the world what is now known as the Veracruz River of Raptors, a Pronatura Veracruz’s program that every fall witnesses and monitors the largest raptor migration on the planet, an annual average of 4.5 million Raptors and a half million Pelicans, Storks, Doves and Orioles are estimated. Along with the count, the opportunity to spread awareness got its foundation in 1994 when the Environmental Education efforts were established. The massive flocks of Broad-winged Hawk, Swainson’s Hawk, Vultures, Pelicans, Storks, Doves and more, brought the attention of nature and bird lovers, giving birth to a great funding opportunity to this 33-year program.  (Limit of 60)

Description Coming (Limit of 60)

How to Draw a Sparrow with Catherine Hamilton

White-crowned Sparrow by Martin Molina

Catherine Hamilton will present an around-the-world story of how an artist fell full-time into the world of professional birding. Illustrated with incredible drawings, photos, and paintings, the lecture goes from NYC to LA, to Central and South America to Morocco and Nagaland, India, on a whirlwind of constant, awe-inspiring journeys. Catherine set out to learn everything she could about bird species around the globe, but ended up finding deep connections to people and conservation efforts on a distinctly local level, wherever she visited. (Limit of 100)

Lights, Camera, Birds: Use of Natural and Artificial Lighting in Bird Photography with Alyce Bender with Tamron

In this presentation Tamron Ambassador Alyce Bender will be literally shining a light on bird photography! In the presentation she will cover the types of lighting frequently found in nature and how to use them to create different types of images that showcase your avian subjects. Topics such as how to handle low light at dawn and dusk or in environments like the rainforest and discussion around the use of artificial lighting such as high-speed flash will be included. So if you enjoy bird photography but are frequently tripped up by “bad” light, this is the presentation for you! (Limit of 60)

Shorebirds: Natural History & Identification with Homer Hansen

Epic migrations.  Spectacular congregations.  Astonishing diversity of sizes and forms.  Our shorebirds are all this and more.  Enjoy learning about shorebirds and their natural history before unraveling the mysteries of their molt as a prelude to identification characteristics of our regional families, genera and species.  The identification portion reviews behavior, size, shape, and plumages of species that maybe seen during the festival. (Limit of 100)

Birds & More – Photo Journey through Scotland and Ireland with Krisztina Scheeff

Scotland and Ireland offer incredible opportunities for natural encounters, whether you are a photographer or not. Through the lens and stories of award-winning photographer Krisztina Scheeff, embark on an up-close view of these wonderful wildlife-rich places. Krisztina will take you on a photographic journey of some of the special places in Scotland and Ireland: Atlantic Puffins, Northern Gannets, White-tailed Eagles, Red Kites, all the small cute birds among gorgeous landscapes. Join her for a session of photos, videos, stories and more of these two favorite places so close to each other yet so different. (Limit of 60)

Atlantic Puffin by Krisztina Scheeff

Exploring Arizona’s Pygmy-Owls with Stephen Vaughan

Come join us for an engaging and enlightening program that takes a closer look at the captivating world of Arizona’s Pygmy-Owls. Arizona is fortunate to host two distinct species – the Northern Pygmy-Owl and the Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl. This program is a deep dive into the lives of these fascinating birds, shedding light on their biology, ecology, and conservation status, with a special emphasis on how they adapt to the unique Arizona desert environment. What sets this program apart is the invaluable firsthand observations of Steve Vaughan, a seasoned owl expert with decades of experience. For the past six years, Steve has dedicated his efforts to studying owls, particularly in southern Arizona. This means you’ll get a firsthand account from someone with an intimate knowledge of these remarkable creatures, going beyond what’s readily available in published materials. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain a unique insight into the world of Arizona’s Pygmy-Owls! (Limit of 100)

Optimizing Optics: The Right Binocular for You with Whitney Lanfranco

Whitney Lanfranco of Land, Sea, & Sky will walk you through the optics you can use for birding and beyond.  There are many different manufacturers and models, all built to serve certain needs. Find out more about the questions to ask when optic shopping, what optics might work best for you, and learn how to get the most of the optics you already have. (Limit of 60)

Community Habitat Restoration Partners | CHiRP! with Tucson Audubon’s Community Conservation Team

Be it a balcony, backyard, school, HOA common space, park, or golf course, our urban “green” spaces provide critical refuge and refueling stations for birds and other wildlife navigating the built environment. Join our Community Conservation team to learn about efforts to transform turf into terrific habitat, support wildlife through green stormwater infrastructure, and inspire neighbors and friends to do the same by becoming Community Habitat Restoration Partners (CHiRP!).  (Limit of 100)

Backyard Birding in the Desert with Kathe Anderson

Whether you’re just starting to bring birds to your backyard, or hoping to enhance your backyard experience with different birds, this class will help guide you to create the habitat that attracts a variety of birds—and keeps them safe. In addition, we’ll identify a number of common local backyard species you can hope to attract. (Limit of 60)