Pena Blanca Lake and Canyon with Scott Olmstead

Elegant Trogon by Shawn Cooper

Difficulty: Moderate (Steeper slopes or more rocky/rooted trails. Drive time to location approximately 90 minutes, some gravel road.)

An interesting man-made lake makes a great water source and stopover for migrants and nesting birds. The adjoining canyon is a good location for Elegant Trogon, Dusky-capped Flycatcher, and Hepatic Tanager. Montezuma Quail favor the hillsides surrounding the lake, while other interesting species could include Gray Hawk, Rufous-crowned Sparrow, and Varied Bunting. Expect to walk on groomed trails around the lake and a gravel/loose rock forest service road through the canyon. Limited to 9 participants.

Elegant Trogon by Shawn Cooper

Oaks to Pines in the Catalinas with Chris Benesh

Scott's Oriole by Mick Thompson

Difficulty: Moderate (Some walking on mild slopes, and possibly rocky/uneven surfaces.)

Molino Basin’s scrub oak woodlands is good habitat for species such as Woodhouse’s Scrub Jay, Bushtit, and Scott’s Oriole. After searching for birds here and Gordon Hirabayashi Campground we’ll head up to higher elevations and new habitats. A stop in Bear Canyon puts us in a beautiful canyon where we’ll search for Mexican Jay, Plumbeous Vireo, and Grace’s Warbler among others in the sycamores and pines. Depending on timing and activity we may visit other locations as. Limited to 9 participants.

Scott’s Oriole by Mick Thompson

Altar Valley with Tim Helentjaris

Crested Caracara by Michele Weisz

Difficulty: 3 (Will include walking through desert with uneven surfaces for <3 miles.  Drive time to location ~75 mins)

This area just southeast of Tucson has some of the highest biological diversity in the state but is little visited by birders. Amidst the amazing rolling landscape of Sonoran Desert and grassland we’ll hope to find numerous species characteristic of this rich desert habitat including Gilded Flickers, Bendire’s Thrashers, and Black-throated and Rufous-winged Sparrows. Crested Caracara are known to nest in this area as well. Lunch included. Limited to 8 participants.

Crested Caracara by Michelle Weisz

Accessible Birding “Big Sit” at Madera Canyon’s Santa Rita Lodge with Kim Aikins

Difficulty: Easy. This trip is designed to be intentionally inclusive and accessible for beginner and advanced birders who experience accessibility challenges as a result of a disability or other health concern. No bathrooms at the lodge feeders.

Join Kim and Marcia for a 90 minute “Big Sit” at the Santa Rita Lodge feeders. We will enjoy the variety of birds at the feeder station, where benches are available. Possible birds include Rivoli’s Hummingbird, Acorn Woodpecker, Mexican Jay, and Hepatic Tanager. Drive time to the meeting location from festival venue is about 55 minutes, specific meeting instructions will be emailed beforehand. Limited to 8 participants.

Rivoli’s Hummingbird by Fred Mitchell

Mt. Lemmon Area with Holly Kleindienst

Difficulty: Moderate (possibly some steeper slopes or more rocky/rooted trails)

We’ll start at the Gordon Hirabayashi Campground to search for birds of oak woodland such as Woodhouse’s Scrub Jay, Bushtit, and Scott’s Oriole before heading up to higher elevations and new habitats. A stop in Bear Canyon puts us in a beautiful canyon where we’ll search for Mexican Jay, Plumbeous Vireo, and Grace’s Warbler among others in the sycamores and pines. Depending on timing and activity we may visit other locations as well. Drive time to initial meeting location from festival venue is about 40 minutes, specific meeting instructions will be emailed beforehand.  Limited to 8 participants.

Mexican Jay by John Hoffman

De Anza Trail at Santa Gertrudis with Alex Patia and Catherine Hamilton of ZEISS

Difficulty: Moderate (Flat walking for about 2 miles on some sandy/gravel trails)

We’ll take a leisurely stroll through the riparian forest along the Santa Cruz River following the historic De Anza Trail. This is a fantastic location for three types of kingbirds (Cassin’s, Tropical, and noisy Thick-billed) along with a wide variety of other desert riparian species like Inca Dove, Gray Hawk, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Bell’s Vireo, and Blue Grosbeak. Sponsored by ZEISS. Drive time to the meeting location from the festival venue is about 50 minutes, specific meeting instructions will be emailed beforehand. Limited to 10 participants.

Thick-billed Kingbird by Martin Molina

Beginning Birding at Sweetwater Wetlands and Agua Nueva Park with Rick Wright

Difficulty: Easy (Around a mile walking on easy, mostly flat trails.)

Join Rick Wright, author of the American Birding Association’s Field Guide to Birds of Arizona, on a beginning birding tour of the most visited birding location in the state. We’ll look for returning Cinnamon Teal, breeding Tropical Kingbirds, and singing Common Yellowthroats while discussing the best habits we can develop as birders. Specific meeting instructions will be emailed beforehand. Limited to 10 participants.

Tropical Kingbird by Jim Burns

The Secret Lives of Desert Purple Martins with Jennie MacFarland

Difficulty: Moderate (walking over uneven, rocky terrain and off trails relatively short distances)

Be a part of the Desert Purple Martin Project research crew for a morning! Tucson Audubon is using technology and a network of volunteers to learn more about these little known birds that nest in saguaro cavities during the monsoon abundance. We will visit several saguaros with active nests and use an endoscope camera and telescoping pole to peek inside the nests. We will be gathering real data points of what stage each nest has reached as specific timing of nests is still not completely known to science. Participants must wear sturdy shoes, long pants and sleeves, binoculars, hat and other sun protection. Bring water and snacks, it heats up quickly in the desert! Specific meeting instructions will be emailed beforehand. Limited to 10 participants.

Image by Henry T McLin

Mindful Birding with Holly Thomas

Difficulty: Easy (Expect easy walking on trails and some dry, sandy creek bed.)

Mindful birding is about the intention to focus on the present moment without judgment, just noticing and welcoming whatever shows up, opening our senses to take in the sights and sounds of birds.  Our morning will begin with an overview of mindful birding and its health benefits followed by a birding walk at Las Posta Quemada Ranch. Meet at the parking area at La Posta Quemeda at 6am. Drive time to meeting location from festival venue is about 40 minutes, specific meeting instructions will be emailed beforehand. Limited to 10 participants.

Summer Tanager by Hemant Kishan

Bird and Bike with Matt Griffiths and Wesley Homoya of Natural Selections Tours

Difficulty: Easy

Join us for a leisurely bike ride on a dedicated path around Reid Park in search of its varied bird life. Located right across from the DoubleTree hotel Festival site, the park is one of the best places in Tucson to see Vermilion Flycatchers! We’ll check the lakes of the park for any lingering ducks, cormorants, herons and egrets, and maybe even a Mexican Duck. The many species of large, native and exotic trees are good places to find early migrating warblers, vireos, orioles, and grosbeaks. We’ll take a trip to the nearby Hardesty pond for more marshy conditions and the chance at seeing Black Phoebe, Spotted Sandpiper, Song Sparrow, Abert’s Towhee, and other desert riparian species. Sponsored by Natural Selections Tours. PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU NEED A BIKE RENTAL. Limited to 8 participants, meet at the DoubleTree hotel.

Vermilion Flycatcher by Greg Lavaty