El Rio Preserve with Gerry Hodge and Matthew Woodhall sponsored by the Town of Marana

Moderate (mostly easy with paved trail and overlook, but some steep grade if walking down to sandy trails)

Explore this nature preserve area just northwest of Tucson in Marana along the Santa Cruz River which is also part of the historic Juan Bautista de Anza Trail. You’ll enjoy the view from the overlook where you’ll be able to scope the water to see a variety birds including waterfowl, shorebirds, and flycatchers. A walk around the new trail should turn up 35 or more species. Drive time to meeting location from festival venue is about 30 minutes, specific meeting instructions will be emailed beforehand. Limited to 10 participants.

Birding with a Camera with Krisztina Scheeff

Are you a birder and would like to learn more about your camera and how to capture your own photos? Join professional Nature Photographer Krisztina with KS Nature Photography for a casual session of birding with the added bonus of photography. This program is open to all ages, birders, photographers, and anyone who would like to learn more about the birds and about basic camera techniques for bird photography. Bring your binoculars and any camera, if you like (point and shoot, DSLR, Mirrorless – and any lens). To read more about Krisztina, please visit www.KSNaturePhotography.com. Specific meeting instructions will be emailed beforehand. Limited to 12 participants.

Accessible Birding at Agua Caliente Park with Marcia OBara

Difficulty: This field trip is designed to meet the needs of participants with accessibility needs.

Join Marcia OBara for a leisurely birding experience designed for nature lovers with accessibility challenges; wheelchairs, walkers, or other assistive devices are welcome. The pace is slow, distance short, and terrain even. We’ll explore Agua Caliente Park where we hope to see our favorite aquatic and desert species. Each registered participant is welcome to bring a support person. To view a complete accessibility review for this location, visit the official Birdability Map. Limited to 8 participants.

The Secret Lives of Desert Purple Martins with Jennie MacFarland

Difficulty: Moderate (walking over uneven, rocky terrain and off trails relatively short distances)

Be a part of the Desert Purple Martin Project research crew for a morning! Tucson Audubon is using technology and a network of volunteers to learn more about these little known birds that nest in saguaro cavities during the monsoon abundance. We will visit several saguaros with active nests and use an endoscope camera and telescoping pole to peek inside the nests. We will be gathering real data points of what stage each nest has reached as specific timing of nests is still not completely known to science. Participants must wear sturdy shoes, long pants and sleeves, binoculars, hat and other sun protection. Bring water and snacks, it heats up quickly in the desert! Specific meeting instructions will be emailed beforehand. Limited to 10 participants.

Sweetwater Wetlands with Alex Patia

Green Heron, photo by Hemant Kishan

Difficulty: Easy (Just over a mile walking on excellent surfaces.)

This artificial wetland is the premier birding hotspot in the Tucson Valley, offering a stunning variety of species that can be found here at any time during the season. Green Heron, Common Gallinule, Tropical Kingbird, Common Yellowthroat, and Abert’s Towhees are some of our prime targets. Drive time to meeting location from festival venue is about 20 minutes, specific meeting instructions will be emailed beforehand. Limited to 10 participants.

Birds & Brews: Sunset Birding at Reid Park followed by Brother John’s with David Simpson

Difficulty: Easy (Mostly flat, groomed trails)

Finish out your birding day by walking the grounds of Reid Park looking for early migrants, Vermilion Flycatchers, Black-crowned Night Herons, and possibly Lesser Nighthawks. We’ll follow up our birding heading to Brother John’s BBQ for some great food (lots of appetizers!) and drinks. Drink ticket included. Limited to 9 participants.

Night Birding in Southeast Arizona with ZEISS and Janice Travis

Difficulty: 1 (Very short walks from vehicle at night, good hearing required)

This is a unique opportunity to try out the latest in thermal imaging optics with festival sponsors and friends, ZEISS. During this outing you’ll see the amazing capabilities these optics provide and enjoy the beauty of Southeast Arizona’s sky islands in Madera Canyon. We’ll try to find nocturnal birds like Elf Owl, Whiskered Screech-Owl, and Mexican Whip-Poor-Will along with a selection of mammals. This is a great time of year to see all sorts of wildlife activity in the evening. Limited to 8 participants.

Elf Owl by Jeremy Hayes

Looking for Burrowing Owls with Rick Wright

Difficulty: Easy (Mostly birding around vehicle, possible short walks over dirt trail or on road)

We’ll travel up towards the small town of Marana just northwest of Tucson with hopes of finding Burrowing Owls. Once we find them, we’ll spend some time at a respectful distance admiring these unique long-legged owls. The surrounding agricultural fields and nearby water treatment facility will offer us the opportunity for a variety of other birds, including possible Lesser Nighthawks at dusk. Leaves from festival venue in 15-passenger van. Limited to 9 participants.

Hummingbird Murals of the Pascua Yaqui Tribe with Dan Weisz

Difficulty: Easy (Very short walks from vehicle)

For a different kind of ‘birding’, take a tour of a number of beautiful outdoor tile murals depicting hummingbirds, created by artists of the Pascua Yaqui Tribe. According to Louis D. Valenzuela, an accomplished Yaqui artist, the hummingbird “represents the Yoeme culture. The hummingbird is considered to be a spiritual bird that comes from the ‘Sewa Ania’ Flower World and is a messenger with powerful blessing and protection.” Limited to 9 participants.