Paton Center for Hummingbirds ⋆ Tucson Audubon Skip to content

Violet-crowned Hummingbird, Mick Thompson

Paton Center News

Seed feeders back up!
All seed feeders are back out at the Paton Center! We look forward to your next visit.

Paton Center closures due to construction

We are starting several renovation projects. Unfortunately, this will cause a disruption in yard access due to the use of heavy equipment and the removal of hazardous materials. To ensure the safety of our guests as well as the timely work flow of our contractors, the front and back yards of the Paton Center will be closed on a few select days.

  • Thursday, October 3 – all day
  • Friday, October 4 – all day
  • Monday, October 7 – all day
  • Tuesday, October 8 – all day
  • Wednesday, October 9 – tentatively open in the afternoon
While the Paton Center yard will be closed, there are some great birding areas nearby that will not be affected. The Cuckoo Corridor Trail, the New Birding Trail, and the Sonoita Creek Wash will remain open to the public. Thank you for your understanding and continued support of Tucson Audubon, and the Paton Center for Hummingbirds!

The Paton Center for Hummingbirds is a place to explore and experience the special birds of southeast Arizona.

 It is dedicated to the celebration and conservation of hummingbirds—and all of southeast Arizona’s astounding biodiversity—through recreation, education, and sustainable living. 257 bird species have been reported for our Center on the outskirts of Patagonia, including Violet-crowned Hummingbirds, Gray Hawks, Varied Buntings, Thick-billed Kingbirds, and many more local specialties. Check the eBird Hotspot list for the latest sightings.

The Paton Center is open from dawn to dusk.

Entry is free of charge, but your generous donations help us maintain the grounds, feed the birds, improve the habitat, and provide education and recreation programs.

Support the Paton Center: Help us keep the feeders full and the trails clear! We appreciate your generosity!

Pavilion at The Paton Center for Hummingbirds, photo by Jeff Goldberg

Visiting The Paton Center

You can sit in the shade in our backyard under the uniquely designed pavilion, watching the amazing variety of birds at the feeders.

Our Richard Grand Memorial Meadow boasts flowers throughout the growing season and is a haven for a growing number of butterflies.

Our main pond serves as a habitat for the endangered Gila topminnow and is a bird magnet.

Not Able to Visit The Paton Center?

Listen to the birds using our NEW Haikubox!

For greater functionality, learn more & get the free Haikubox app

Watch the birds on our 2 live-streaming webcams!


Discover hummingbirds in our region