Protect Birds & Their Habitats
Protect Birds & Their Habitats
Thank you for providing input into the City of Tucson’s latest plans for redesigning Reid Park. You can find the Reid Park Master Plan site, from which you can access the current survey, here: But first please take a look below at our suggestions.
The deadline for submitting comments is Friday, September 30th.
The City’s three alternatives for the park can be roughly categorized as follows:
The survey asks people to comment on the aspects of each concept they find desirable. The consultants will then merge the most desired aspects into a single plan.
The overall best alternative, in our analysis, is Concept 2 (Environment); by far the worst is Concept 3 (Culture). In general, our comments stress the importance of enhancing the park’s natural elements, focusing on trees, and creating spaces for unstructured recreation.
We made the following specific suggestions, which we hope you’ll incorporate into your own comments:
Thank you again for your ongoing engagement in the public process for redesigning Reid Park. We are optimistic that the robust participation of Tucson Audubon and our community will result in a beautiful, accessible, multi-purpose park we can all celebrate and enjoy!