Birdathon ⋆ Tucson Audubon Skip to content

Birdathon 2025—April 130

Birdathon is like a walkathon—instead of counting miles, we count birds!

Enjoy birds while raising funds for the Tucson Audubon Society

Decide on your approach, reach out to friends and family to gather support or teammates, and go birding any time between April 1—30!

Every dollar you raise helps to support the work of Tucson Audubon Society—protecting birds, restoring their habitats, and making sure they can be enjoyed by all for generations. Your Birdathon support inspires people to protect and enjoy birds through recreation, education, conservation, and restoration.

Birdathon donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Tucson Audubon Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

Need help with your Birdathon?

Get inspired to join us!

Monday, March 24, 7–8 pm
Virtual Kick-off Event

Learn the ins and outs of Birdathon, including fundraising tips and how to set up your team and page.
Learn more and register for this free virtual event (coming soon)

Birdathon Wrap Up Party

Tuesday, May 20—5:30 pm
Birdathon Wrap Up Party at Three Canyon Beer and Wine Garden

Join us as we celebrate another successful Birdathon! Enjoy a drink and food while we share Birdathon stories and hand out prizes. This event is free to join, but plan to bring money for drinks/food.
RSVP NOW (coming soon)

Quick Links

Supporting a team by writing a check?

Make checks payable to: 
Tucson Audubon Society

Write name of team on memo line

Send to:
Tucson Audubon Society
PO Box 91770
Tucson, AZ 85752

Team Nekkid Jaybirds, 2022