Tabling Events ⋆ Tucson Audubon Skip to content

Tabling Events

We have two interactive children’s activities designed specifically for events like science fairs, open houses, and festivals.

We do not charge for attending your event with our tabling activities. However, we strongly prefer that you provide 1 table and 2 chairs per activity and shade (when applicable) whenever possible.

Discover why birds are important parts of our ecosystem and how they use their superpowers to help us!

Guiding question: Why do we need birds?



  • Connected to birds
  • Empowered to take positive action for birds
  • Respect for different animals and their unique adaptations


  • Different animals contribute to our shared ecosystem in different ways
  • Scavengers perform an important ecosystem service


  • Recycle
  • Pick up litter

Big ideas:

  • We are part of an ecosystem
  • Different animals contribute to our shared ecosystem in different ways
  • Vultures are scavengers and they act as nature’s clean-up crew
Learn how birds are able to navigate across seemingly impossible distances and what we can do to help make their journey safer.

Info coming soon!

Click Here to book any of our educational opportunities!
Questions? Email
We will work with you to put together a program that fits your needs.